dinsdag 6 augustus 2019

Scouse culture

person: you actually like Liverpool, don't you

person: why else would you make all these blog pos-
me: I have the right to remain silent    uwu

Ofcourse I wasn't planning to do a blog post on Scouse culture, (I'm not interested in such things) but hey, cludi asked for it

so, here we go:

how to recognize a Scouse accent
for me it's the following things:

- lots of 'eh' sounds
   e.g.:  gehrl, Lehverpool
- k sounds are often pronounced as 'ch' or 'gh' sounds
   e.g.:  luch a' me/reading me buch
(the incapacity to pronounce i's and k's)
- not my, but me instead
  e.g: it's me nan's birthdee
- when words start with ha- you don't really pronounce the h
  e.g. 'ave a wonderful dee/'appy
- when someone sounds tipsy there's always a chance they're scouse

Everyday Life
I'm not a stalker and don't live in Liverpool (a thought which makes me super sa- I MEAN bad thoughts, go away) and therefore cannot know everything there is to know about Scouse culture. However, they are sites that have given us videos about the lives of Scousers.

Here are some videos summed up:

1. the scaws braw


no seriously, look at what they did to the poor girl
(congrats, you survived your first scouse attack)

2. scaws gehrls (added this for Alyssa she likes dem gehrls)

(welcome to Liverpool, where they can't pronounce k's and x's)

this video was sponsored by Bargain Booze

boy: I'd buy her a kebab, cuz she looks quite cheap"
nah boii, she jest a scawser

people usually don't like WAGs, but if that's her dream ...

oh no, the rumours are true!
Scousers really are poor people, poor girl

ever noticed that Paul's eyebrows look way different now that he's older?
Rumour has it that Scouse gehrls stole them during one of his visits to Liverpool

POD: 3 words to describe yourself?

more about the Scouse accent:
shorten everything

bezzie, bevvie, lennie, macca, ciggies, etc

3. and let's not forget this FaSHiON trend    uwu

some of them even take "pride" in it     .____.

3. characters that could pass as Scousers

 fun fact: Scousers might have a 6th sense ... especially when it comes to finding out where Paul is located as soon as he arrives in Liverpool


OFCOURSE, Scousers being dumb is only a stereotype

that's it
end of the blog pos-

wait wait wai- I can't do basic math.  uh oh    °____________________°

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