dinsdag 12 december 2017

Madu learns Romanian part 1

alternative title: me being an eșec

also before I start this blog post I wanna say : 'lo-tjsa-rreem'
(because apparently that's Scouse .____. )
(I know Scousers from the North of Liverpool that sound more decent.  From the friggin North.of.Liverpoooooool)

So a while ago I made a promise to these 8 Romanians

And I can't break my promise and therefore their hearts, now can I? ;w;

Besides, I always told myself I wanted to learn Romanian
But you see ... the thing is ...
... I never did shit to learn it :3

'me looking for the difference between copii and copii' :
-whispers 'there is no difference' when Alyssa isn't around-

look at me go

practice practice practice

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