James was born on June 18th, 1942 (here's when the second curse of Liverpool started)
Sadly, there are no pics to be found of baby James, but we have to keep in mind that cameras were rather rare back in those days.
Ok, so because of this we fastforward a bit to when he was 1,5 to 2 years old
in this pic, he already had two things in common with his older self:
-already fat (no matter what kind of food his parents gave him always got fat)
-already fat (no matter what kind of food his parents gave him always got fat)
- already looked like someone asked him a real difficult question
Now, normally this pic would be the moment when everyone goes 'awww, so cute'
Unless, you're one of these two Scousers:
- Cludi:
Unless, you're one of these two Scousers:
- Cludi:
because, apparently, the only pics of Paul Cludi loves or can cum to are the ones where he's at least 70 (believe me, you don't wanna know)
-Paul's dad: actually cried the first time he saw his son, because he thought he was an ugly baby XDDD (what a beautiful father-son moment)
(Well, u made it yourself so now u gotta keep it)
(Well, u made it yourself so now u gotta keep it)
So we move on. As he gets older he grows up to become Fat Jamie from Walton, who was a kid which:
1. looked smug for whatever reason
'On his way to steal your cake'
'Laik, how dare you say cake isn't delicious'
When you just had your daily amount of cake so everything's fine
2. A motivated student
'Laik, this isn't food. Am I supposed to be impressed?'
Super optimistic about going to school
Liverpool definitely looks like a fun place to live :)
3. always had to hold his pants in order not to pee himself (this problem often occurs with Scouse kids born in Walton, some of them even pee their walls)
I always thought Paul was already pretty awkward, BUT GUESS what, there have been times he looked EVEN more awkward.
I proudly present to you: the teenage years
I proudly present to you: the teenage years
Paul with his childhood friend George (yep, the George from the Beatles)
he tried reading a newspaper, but it was too difficult so he gave up-collage
Paul and his first girlfriend: Guitar Senpai
Paul and his official first girlfriend
And you may call him dumb or whatever you want, but ya can't say he didn't know how things worked down under ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Only 18 and already got her pregnant. But sadly a miscarriage and not much later a break up happened :(
On July 6th, 1957 Paul McCartney meets The Senpai of Senpais: JOHN LENNON.
At first, Paul, George, John and some other band member I don't know the name of found the band The Quarrymen.
In 1962, John asks Ringo to join their bands and they become (and here it comes)
At first, Paul, George, John and some other band member I don't know the name of found the band The Quarrymen.
In 1962, John asks Ringo to join their bands and they become (and here it comes)
Pretty sure this part doesn't need a lot of explanation since u fangirls (yes, still talking to u, Cludi) know all about it.
Paul and his first (and only) boyfriend: Ringo ;)
Paul, what are you trying to do with Ringo?
and some other pics, like:
When John Senpai tells a joke and three hours later u finally get it
Paul thinks they're in Liverpool and will guide the other Beatles
(narrator: 'they were not in Liverpool')
At the end of the 1960s, Paul meets his future wife Linda
The 1970s were the time when he got his own family (because seriously, once he remembered how to make kids again he didn't stop)
Have some family pics through the years:
When u love your extra speshal kid but sometimes they're just a bit too speshal
Linda passed away in 1998, and today Paul is old, falling off stages and still hugging guitars
Paul's dream came true: a guitar cake
Oh, and to end this blog post: after about half a century these two are still going steady :)