donderdag 9 september 2021

Scorp boii....updates! (or whatever lol)

 you might ask:
"Oh, what happened to your vampire OC? Is he still alive?"
and I'm very sorry to inform you all, but  -wipes tears- .....he's dead
get it?
cuz he's a vampire

Ba Dum Tss GIFs | Tenor

I mean, he's been dead for a few centuries now. 

other dumb puns you'll definitely hear me use to describe his wonderful personality
- he's DEAD on the inside
- wow, he sure is the LIFE of the party (sarcasm lol)'ve been warned c:

I actually wanted to make an overview of this character. I know people won't really read this but it's useful for myself my little brain made too many characters, too much to remember 


I always felt kinda guilty about refering to him as "scorp boii" (even though I love that nickname for him). at first I wasn't sure if I wanted to name him Sebastian...maybe because I know someone irl who's named Sebastian...and also a scorp. I kept thinking "what if people think I named him after my friend" ahahahah
Actually I didn't...I got inspired by this song from the 70s...which is kinda dramatic and extra, kinda has goth vibes  :3
I mean look at the singer
Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel - Sebastian - YouTube


Sebastian            (yes, he's now officially got a name lol)
eye colour: dark blue
hair colour: either dark raven or black
personality traits: bitter, caring, devoted, gloomy, loner, perfectionist, pessimistic, (a bit) romantic, sarcastic, sense of justice (will always do the right thing, I dunno the right word),
birthday: October 29th, 1772
zodiac sign: scorpio
other info: looks quite handsome and has the looks of a 25 year old, but don't be deceived he's actually the grumpy old man of the group that complains about anything
likes: complaining (lol), an aesthetically pleasing interior, being well dressed (literally always, even when he's wearing his pj's), wine (but not in an addict kinda way lol), night time
colours: red, mauve, grey, black, blue (especially dark blue), gold
dislikes: mess, talking about emotions, people breaking into his property/trespassing, these "youngsters" always trying to hang out w him ugh, getting sunburnt, random pigeons trying to befriend him (they're probably here to b-bite mee ;;)
quotes (that remind me of him) :
- how to rise from the floor, when it's not you I'm rising for
- I have loved you for a thousand years, darling. and I'll love you for a thousand more
- look at your life. look at your choices  (when complaining to his friends)

I really love trying to make my characters on picrew. It sometimes really helps me figuring out some parts of a characters design I'm not sure about/don't know how to draw (especially expressions and hair). plus some have really nice outfits and styles
over the past months I tried to make scorp b- Sebastian in several ones (see I do care about my character sometimes)

(eyes are too light, but overal good)


(this one didn't have braids ;w; but I figured his loose hair would be kind of wavy (if he wears in it a braid most of the time). I love how this turned out, love this style. again eyes too light, but that's ok  :3
I also love how he looks slightly miserable, since he's rather gloomy heh)

more things that remind me of him

how I imagined the area near his castle where he and his partner went for walks (he lives in a more isolated area/not near busy place/ more surrounded by nature  :3 )

his castle may look gloomy and dark on the outside, but is actually has a nice interior and rather cosy design inside (is this a metaphor for the stereotypical cold scorp who are actually big softies on the inside hehe)

Coptic Egyptian girl says ''Ancient Egyptians are descendants of Ethiopians  and Somalians'' | Lipstick Alley 


excuse you?
I just happen to look miserable 24/7    uwu

 And let them see the real you. | It crowd, Noel fielding, Crowd


I'm Gonna Complain (Bob's Burgers) | Reaction GIFs

Ugh Ew GIFs | Tenor

lil fun facts
- one of his fears is...ducks (and maybe other birds, too). his fear is not as bad as it used to be, because he and his partner used to go to the nearby lake/park. it was probably his partner's idea. just imagine this goth man being gently dragged to a pound by his bf
"oH nOoO, tHeY'rE GOnNa BItEE mEee"
meanwhile the duckies are being innocent:
Circles spinning GIF - Find on GIFER
and his bf be like:
Top 30 Cute Facepalm GIFs | Find the best GIF on Gfycat

 he secretly thinks it's cute, but we all know how scorps react when you call them cute
"no I'm tough/evil/such a badassssssssss   è//////é "
(in the modern day setting he's probably scared by pigeons whenever going outside lol)

- his castle is inspired slightly inspired by the castle from Beauty and the Beast (including some of the inside) but with darker colours  :3

- this character was made after I made a random joke about "scorpio sipping wine" and visited Gent (known for its goth monuments in the city centre and actual castle) last summer

I'm not gonna list everything I listed in my other blog post, so have a small overview:
bitter gay - sassy 'n sarcastic - emo & goth vampire lord/count of a castle - stereotypical scorp heh

I said this in the other post, but I find it VERY important to emphasize uwu
"did I make this character just to prove scorpios are the most caring people hiding behind a tough exterior and black clothes
yes, definitely"

the following contain spoilers
(not that anyone will ever read my stories lol)

About the sad background story/the storyline of him and lover

this story is probably inspired by the story of Dracula and his wife in Hotel Transylvania. In case you are uncultered and haven't watched/don't remember the Hotel Transylvania films, a quick recap:

"Dracula accidentally met another vampire, who'd later become his wife. They instantly felt something for each other and soon became inseparable. They began to date, and soon became married. A group of angry humans stormed Dracula's home, intending to kill him and his family for being vampires. The humans set fire to Dracula's home and killed his wife. Fortunately, Dracula was able to escape the place with his daughter.

- accidenally got noticed by a mortal
- they keep encountering one another, to the point where the mortal (he doesn't have a name yet ;; ) wants/tries to find out where Sebastian lives. and he actually succeeds. he finds out about him being a vampire etc
- all this time, Sebastian tried really hard to avoid him..not because he doesn't recipocrate the guy's feelings (he definitely does 👀)
- but because in the vampire community there is still prejudice and they believe vampires and mortals can't be together (which has to do with immortality, something mortals aren't etc but I need to work on the details)
- Sebastian avoided him at first because he believed it would be better/safer for him not to be with a vampire (again, because of prejudice)
- (wait a sec, someone obsessed w a vampire but the vampire wants to protect the- SHIT my mind unconsciously copied the storyline of Twilight help )
- they keep falling for one another (uh oh, a scorpio catching feelings hehe)
- this is probably where the cheesy part starts: Sebastian tries to keep his distance and tell him it's safer for him not to be near him and other vampires. but this guy says he doesn't care
- also interesting to note that he was pretty lonely and slightly unhappy before he met this guy so he really had to adjust to the idea of someone loving him etc
- the classic "we can face this together"
- long story short he can finally convince Sebastian things can work out, they actually get together, (haven't decided on these details but) they probably got married etc most of the traditional stuff
- his partner was actually devoted, even that devoted that he turned for love (again, I need to work out the details) ah, to be young and in love with a vampire, love makes u do crazy things
- they're a happy couple now

his partner was an actual cinnamon roll and sweet person sooo  ;; eu plâng mult

 - (I keep saying this, but I haven't worked out the details yet but) at some point his bf gets sick. not sick as in a cold. as in ill. terminally ill....
- Sebastian was actually devastated when he found out. he's quite rich (not to brag uwu) but no money, no medicine, none of his vampire powers (or whatever u wanna call it) could change the situation
- he felt incredibly helpless, he just watched how his bf got weaker and couldn't do anything about it (in case u wonder why he's a troubled soul ;-; )
- all he could do was stay by his side and take care of him. and spend every moment possible by his side

- not too long before he died: his partner made Sebastian promise something; to always take care/look after himself and the castle. Which may seem random, but there's a deeper meaning behind it (cuz I'm smart and everything like that   uwu)
He knew Sebastian would very likely slip into depression (I'm not 100% sure it's depression, might be mild depression. sadness, grief, etc are also accurate descriptions. probably those 3 intertwined). Some say the best way to handle grief is by continuing to live your life and do the things you normally do (I'm not a psychologist so sorry if it's not 100% correct)
to this day, Sebastian continues to keep his promise. He's actually not as cold as a appears on the outside, considering how a big part of his life and how he lives it is one  big dedication/tribute to his husband despite him not being here anymore. And he also does it cuz he's kinda vain, cares about his appearance and is probably a perfectionist.....but that sounds less romantic, sooo

idk how to end this blog post soooo
more aesthetic pics?

Tangled Sky Lanterns - Shefalitayal

Animated gif about gif in Beauty And the Beast by Ashley

disney gifs Page 104 | WiffleGif

Top 30 Miserable GIFs | Rechercher le meilleur GIF sur Gfycat

maandag 23 augustus 2021

scorpio playlist?

 so Aly is really serious about spotify...meanwhile my spotify is a mess lol
so I thought it might be nice for her to make a scorpio playlist....aka a list with only music made by scorpios

so here are some of my fav artists and their songs, or just songs I like....all by scorps  :)

Janet Devlin
she might not be super famous, but the genre she sings in is cute and she has a cute voice and nice Irish accent :)
- Away with the fairies
- House of cards
- Outernet song
- Saint of the sinners
- Your Song (cover)

Katy Perry
ofc she's in this list been simping for her since I was a lil teen

- Firework
- Hot 'n Cold
- Last Friday Night (TGIF)
- Roar
- The one that got away
- This is how we do
- Wide awake

- Green light
- Royals (the song itself is nice, but kinda slow XD )
- Solar power
- Team
- Tennis court
- Yellow Flickr Beat

Weird Al Yankovic
- Amish paradise
- Lasagna

some other songs
- Dilemma (Nelly)
- Far away (Chad Kroeger/Nickelback)
- Heroes (Tove Lo)
- Ice ice baby (Vanilla Ice)
- One love (David Guetta)
- Rise like a phoenix (Conchita Wurst)
- Summer of '69 (Bryan Adams)

zondag 22 augustus 2021

skribbl times

 alyssescu joined.
alyssescu is drawing now!

madu is drawing now!
alyssescu: hehe
alyssescu: sprinkler
alyssescu: no
alyssescu: NO
alyssescu: whale
alyssescu: Oh
alyssescu guessed the word!
The word was 'geyser'
she loves talking about icey's "sprinkler"  ;)

alyssescu is drawing now!
madu: lines
madu: scheming

alyssescu: yes
madu is drawing now!
alyssescu: pee
alyssescu: pee boat

it's interesting to note that, according to alyssa, pee is in the "food" category

alyssescu: Pee
alyssescu: vanilla
alyssescu: frog
alyssescu: food
alyssescu: eat

alyssescu: i drew kaeya in high heels

madu is drawing now!
alyssescu: pee
alyssescu: solidified pee
alyssescu: pee rock
alyssescu: pee waffle
alyssescu guessed the word!
The word was 'waffle'
but she's still in denial about pee and her attraction to it

alyssescu: poison to make scouserss run away
alyssescu: scousers*
alyssescu: naill polish
alyssescu guessed the word!
The word was 'nail polish'
alyssescu: my bad
aly: I don't hate Liverpool
also aly: -thinks about poison to make scousers run away in her free time-

alyssescu is drawing now!

madu: frens
madu: me nagging
madu: me ranting
madu: yeah it's me
madu: I feel honoured
madu: uh
madu: idk
madu: vine
madu: vine died
madu: that hurt
rip vine  ;;
The word was 'vent'
madu: what is is
alyssescu: eu plang
madu: see it was me

madu is drawing now!
alyssescu: cookie
alyssescu: chocochips
madu: british word for cookie lol
alyssescu: cookie chips
alyssescu: uh
alyssescu guessed the word!
The word was 'biscuit'
alyssescu: hahahahah
alyssescu: Omg
welcome to another episode of "Aly can't remember British English aka her native language"
madu: yas
alyssescu: No way
alyssescu: Moar

madu: pie
madu: paul's face
madu: paul after he got bruised
madu: paul blushing
madu: a long marble
madu: uh
madu: idk
madu: a bag
madu: a stomach
madu: kidney
madu: liver
madu guessed the word!
The word was 'slime'
it was pink slime....I mean Paul's face so chubby it looks like slime

madu: don't cheat
madu: :c
letting me win
nu îmi placcccc   :c

alyssescu: eu wanted to give u a hint
alyssescu: ):\

alyssescu: WHAT
alyssescu: I AM SO STUPID
alyssescu: LMAO
she's tellin scorp lies again   >:c

madu: pee
madu: ur fantasy

madu: line
madu: infinity
'infinity' is close!
madu guessed the word!
The word was 'infinite'
madu: us
madu: hehe

madu: u forgot about pokemon ;;
yesterday I was still thinking about pokemon sword and shield
and how we used to have matching Marnie and Gloria avatar
but Aly forgot
brb plânging 5ever

madu: beatles class
madu: ur top 5 fapping subjects
madu: top 3 my bad
madu: aly takes a nap and thinks of

madu: the roads in transylvania
madu: shi
madu: shit
madu: poo
'poo' is close!
madu guessed the word!
The word was 'poop'
the roads in transylvania have the same curves as the lil poop icon lol

madu is drawing now!
alyssescu: the other one was stolen
alyssescu: by paul
alyssescu: ):
aly finally agrees Paul is evil

madu is drawing now!
alyssescu: feeling betrayed
alyssescu: feeling
alyssescu: heartbroken
alyssescu: heart break
alyssescu: h
alyssescu: uh
alyssescu: upsetti spaghetti
alyssescu: heartbroken
madu: closeeeee
alyssescu: yh
alyssescu: uh
madu: the noun
madu: adj and noun lol
alyssescu guessed the word!
The word was 'broken heart'
aly tries to English lol

alyssescu is drawing now!
madu: uuuuuu
madu: u being cute and flustered
madu guessed the word!
cute eyes and blush ofc I mistook it for her   uwu

alyssescu is drawing now!
madu: mlp
madu: pinkie pie
madu guessed the word!
The word was 'pony'
madu: glad u 'r back into mlp
madu: lol
madu is drawing now!
alyssescu: L,MAO

not me trying to make aly win     uwu   hehe
madu: venti
madu: genshin hmm
madu: chocomousse
madu guessed the word!
The word was 'wind'

alyssescu guessed the word!
The word was 'princess'
alyssescu: lMAO
madu: princess paul

madu: tiny person
madu: my grandma lol

and let's not forget about the beautiful art

also: yesterday I joked about her simping for ceausescu and now her username is this  :c  uh oh

her taste only gets worse
- first paul
- then maths
- then chocomousse
- and now ceau..sescu   :((((
(pls pray for alyyy)

aly be laich: is this gay? is that gay? a-am I gay?  °v°

even Romanian words don't help anymore lol

one of my fav artworks from this game session

rest of the zodiac gets attacked by intense angry scorps, who might even do a stabbity (see knife)

still dunno what it says after Paul

I tried
it was a tribute to my BMX who was purple or purple/white
my BMX would turn in its grave after seeing this drawing

bringing up "2019 Aly" is always a risk haha
but she still lives in my heart, even if alyssa abandoned her ;w;

aww aly thought it was her house ;w;

true heartbreak tbh ;;w;;

what "wind" looks like according to Aly

when you read "pound" instead of pond

vrijdag 20 augustus 2021

6 years with the bestest

 bestest is a word, right? °v°
cuz Aly is not just the best, she is better than best, the BESTEST of the best heh

or to put it in Romanian
-here comes the extra cheesy part-

Aly este cea mai minunată, cea mai drăguță, uimitoare, cea mai mare, splendidă, cea mai dulce, grijulie și cea mai bună persoană pe care o cunosc


random facts about the drawing

- I like the cheesy vibe
- a lot of pink and hearts cuz we both like those
- I like that I was able to capture Aly's smile, she has the sweetest smile
- she will probably respond w serious selfies and deny it
- cuz scorps will scorps
- I noticed we both got blonder, mine's more subtle but still
- I look like I'm dressed like a child, but mentally I'm still a child so that's okay
- Aly is wearing an ie, cuz I wanna see more pictures of her wearing traditional Romanian clothes  uwu
- I also like the contrast between us (we're kinda opposites) Aly with the nice and pastel colours and me wearing the bright colours
- Aly blushes more cuz we all know scorps turn into tomatoes when facing emotions

6 wonderful years already, but I think I've only been making anniversary drawing for the past 3 years ;;
here are 2019, 2020 and, this year, 2021


dinsdag 17 augustus 2021

dedicated to dumb poses

 in chronological order

Paphos, Cyprus (2005)

May be an image of 1 person 


May be an image of 1 person


when ur math teacher already explained the same formula 5 times and she asks if you finally understand it

 Rome, Italy (2009)

No photo description available.
school (2010)
still own the scarf, boots and jacket

No photo description available.

 I actually forgot the exact town this was taken, Belgium (2010)

No photo description available.

Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2012)

who says it's impossible to take a pic with every lion statue you encounter?

May be an image of 1 person 


why do I look like I'm scheming something

 May be an image of 1 person

 Planckendael, Belgium (2013)

May be an image of 1 person

Palma (Mallorca) 2013

I used to make this face all the time...nobody knows why, not even I know lol

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May be an image of 1 person 

(probably thought it made me more slim)

wait, here's the same pose but worse

 May be an image of 1 person

dem legs wide ope-   whyyyyyy

it never ends

May be an image of 1 person

my face in math class be like

lil confused me

May be an image of 1 person

my face looking at all these pictures

every time I tell Aly one of my scorp jokes or "call her out"

identity crisis caught on camera
I have a lot of those haha- I mean nothing

May be an image of 1 person

 Oostende, Belgium (2013)

I'm not going to judge the fashion choices made here....cuz I'd still wear that

May be an image of 1 person

 Paris, France (2014)

May be an image of 1 person 

still one of my fav drunk nights, according to my sister I was just rambling and saying random stuff at some point

May be an image of 1 person

 May be an image of 1 person

 ur face when they call u pretty    uwu

 zoning out next to the seine

May be an image of 1 person

 London, United Kingdom (2014)

May be an image of 1 person and smiling

 No photo description available.

 May be an image of 1 person

 Kraainem, Belgium (2014)

just casually bullying our sister while grandma watches and couldn't care less
everything about this picture is great

May be an image of 4 people

 Planckendael, Belgium (2015)

but my excuse is that you're allowed to look derp on your bday, right?

No photo description available.

 May be an image of 1 person and smiling

my home (2015)

it was happy hour lol

May be an image of 2 people

 Efteling, The Netherlands (2015)

May be an image of 2 people

 Rome, Italy (2015)

ur face after u've had too much limoncello

No photo description available.

 May be an image of 1 person

 I think Leuven but I'm not sure, Belgium (2015)

May be an image of 2 people and people smiling
Mechelen, Belgium (2017)

back when mum worked at a science/technology museum and tried convincing me to go on the bike on a rope (or whatever it's called)
....I'd rather throw myself  off that platform than ride that bike nooope

No photo description available.

Garden(s) of Hoegaarden, Belgium (2017)

this pic is cute but look at that dummy face tho   :3

May be an image of 1 person and smiling


 Gent, Belgium (2018)

posing with "the moon"

May be an image of 2 people

 Leuven, Belgium (2019)

cute pose, but still kinda dumb

May be an image of 1 person

Efteling, The Netherlands (2019)

this is one of those places they made for people to pose, soooo I don't blame me

May be an image of Evelyne Maho and smiling 


mum: get off there, only kids climb/walk on things like that
me: well I'm mentally still 12 soooo
me: good luck trying to stop meeee
mum: -sighs and takes picture-

May be an image of Evelyne Maho and smiling

lookit the bliss on my face

might one day do a part 2, since there are a lot of derp pics