Cludi: omg they really are ahahaha
Me: ...
Me: look who's talking
Cludi: whaddya mean? huh what?
Cludi: how am I possibly related to Scousers, I'm laik jest a girl from Liverp-
Me: my point exactly
(see first line)
For more examples:
me: only 690 km away
cludi: what does u mean
does it mean hours
me: km
cludi: OH
me: no, km isn't used for time
-ah scousers-
le facepalm
cludi: I meant "134 u"
me: I didn't type u
cludi: pff
me: 134 hours stand for the km
that reminds me off something
cludi: oh so the u meant hours okay
me: it all makes sense now
maybe I did, guess u'll never know
cludi: I remember that video
me: note to self: don't ask scousers for directions
cludi: XD
me: what are they saying
fa' mayf' an awr fawawa
this is why england gave u guys a school of english
cludi: xd
me: however u put that in your native language
cludi: o
me: some ppl's got burnnnt and no, not because of the sun for once