donderdag 8 januari 2015

January Blues


This is my very first post of 2015 ^^, I hope I can update this blog as much as possible.
I often forgot to post, not only on this blog but on my FB and Twitter-page as well...

I'm busy at the moment, because I have to study for exams every day. luckily I only have 3 big theorethical exams: next week on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. which means I will have finished the last exam in a week :D
I also have two oral exams for Italian and English at the end of January

ugh, exams make January a rather unpleasant month for me. All I ever do is study and it's pretty cold outside ;w;

but there's another reason I've been feeling a little sad lately. Sometimes I think about the person who was my first big crush. and then I think about how things turned out differently...but I try not to think about it too often
I'm that kind of person who always thinks she'll end up on her own. maybe I'll just have to become a crazy cat lady XDD
maybe I'm too picky, and I don't  fall in love easily either uuugh
anyway, enough with the complaining!!! >____>

yesterday I finally worked on a drawing again!
I think it turned out well, I just had some trouble drawing the hair.

I wan't to take a pic as soon as possible (I can't work properly with that damn scanner) so I can finish the drawing

oh and I tried to draw a background, haaahahaa .____. yeah
backgrounds can be such a pain


New Year's Eve/ New Year
the family (except sisters and me)

pretty diamond-like necklace

portooo, eternal love XD

my 3DS camera Always adds this creepy effect x3

why, mom, you look so young ...and kinda orange

I turned into mom D:

pink-blue necklace

greenish yellow necklace *-*

grandma and me

crappy short hair...well at least it's back to its natural colour and hea

most faces I make when taking a pic in a video
January 8th
 today I tried to take a pic without smiling --> I look conceited!!!
why can't I just look normal without looking angry or conceited XDD
also: I'm looking forward to Cinderella in 2015 and I'm falling in love with Lily James
that's it, ciaoooo, ci vediamo :D

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