woensdag 7 november 2018

Scousers are gonna cry

And not just any Scousers
Technically speaking, Alyssa has to cry, because:
(we sorta made a deal here -shrugs- )

Okay, so I was minding my own business
Just looking through my files, on my computer
then BAM
some random Sai file appeared and well

Okay, for the background story of this drawing:

'T was November 7th in the Kengdum o' Leh'rpul. On this day the Kwin would become of age, time for the coronation. This also meant she'd finally be introduced to her Keng.
For many many years the Kwin had imagined what her ideal king would look like: slim, intelligent, blond, muscular, brave.
However, the man who walked into the throne room wasn't anything like this. This man was quite the opposite, it was Keng Pole 'f Welt'n The Ridiculous I

In this drawing, I tried to capture the Kwin's expression the first time she saw the love of her life, while sitting on her throne :)

Paul walks into room:

The Kwin looking "lovingly" at her Keng:

So, to finish this blog post:
Happy Birthd- eh I mean ... day you were born, Alyssa!
(Using the actual word is dangerous on this very day)